Welcome to The Diet Doc Network Education Center! Our mission is to help our clients with healthy, sustainable progress and to equip the next generation of coaches. We are happy you're here!

Meet Your Teachers!

Kori Propst Miller, PhD  

Kori Propst Miller, PhD, Health Psychologist is the Wellness Director and Vice President of The Diet Doc, LLC. She has earned a bachelor’s degree in exercise physiology, a master of science in counseling education, and a doctorate in health psychology and behavioral medicine. She is a licensed professional counselor and mental health therapist, and her education is enhanced by certifications in intuitive eating counseling, personal training, health coaching, mindfulness meditation, & life coaching. She is also an ISSN (International Society of Sports Nutrition) clinician and a National Academy of Metabolic Science professional.

Kori is committed to helping her clients rediscover joy and a sense of purpose and intention in their lives with a clinical coaching approach targeting mindset, emotional agility, and body trust. Her clients achieve long-term changes by developing their personal compass and committing to a process of emotional mindfulness and acceptance. Her approach considers her clients' nuanced histories, needs, desires, genetics, relationship dynamics and lived experiences. She has coached individuals for over two decades toward a fluid and flexible, respectful, compassionate relationship with themselves and their lives!
Kori offers individual coaching services and online courses for diet recovery, conscious nutrition, and mindset and motivation. She wrote and facilitates the Mindset and Motivation for Coaches certification as part of the National Academy of Metabolic Science.

Kori resides in Montana with her husband and five furballs! When she isn't coaching clients, she can be found scooting up the mountain trails on her bike or in her running shoes! Nature is her sanctuary, where she reclaims connection with presence. 

Work with Kori!
Joe Klemczewski, PhD
Joe Klemczewski is known as the Godfather of Flexible Dieting. He pioneered macronutrient-based food intake tracking more than twenty-five years ago and carved a path for the entire personal nutrition coaching industry. Klemczewski’s international brand and licensing company The Diet Doc, LLC, has continued to innovate client-centered systems used to help thousands of struggling dieters reach sustainable life change.
Klemczewski has spoken at universities, school systems, fitness camps, medical organizations, science conferences, and Fortune 500 companies. He was a contributing science editor for Chelo Publishing for fourteen years. His articles regularly appeared in Iron Man, Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness, Exercise for Men, Best Body, Muscular Development, Muscle & Fitness, and others; many have been translated for German, Italian, and Asian publications. He has written for numerous websites, including eDiets and Huffington Post, has contributed to fitness industry books, and has edited physiology textbooks for Barron Publishing. Klemczewski has authored four books and the entire pedagogy for the National Academy of Metabolic Science.
Klemczewski has created long-running podcast projects such as The Diet Doc Life Mastery Podcast, Contest Prep University, The Mind-Muscle Connection, and The Coaches Clinic. He is regularly interviewed by industry leaders and has appeared on the Pro Physique Podcast, Redefine Healthy Radio, Physique Science Radio, and Iron Culture. In 2020, Klemczewski founded the Nutrition Coaching Global Mastermind to help define industry standards for nutrition coaching and to elevate standards of practice.
Klemczewski has earned degrees in physical therapy, health, nutrition, health education, literary journalism, social psychology, and social science, including two doctorates and four masters degrees. He is a former WNBF professional bodybuilder and has personally coached more than 500 clients to pro status wins, 150 professional titles, and 50 world championships. He has coached Olympic athletes, pro athletes, models, actors, and thousands to improve health, function, performance, and aesthetics. Klemczewski can be reached through IG and FB @joeklemczewski.